Green Collaboration – Supplier Diversity Initiative

SupplierDiverstiy WM

This year, WM is launching Share the Greensm, an event designed to engage hundreds of women-owned businesses across multiple cities in the U.S. with the goal of advancing female supplier diversity in the corporate supply chain. Selected women-owned businesses will be invited to participate in an educational incubator program with a potential opportunity to pitch their business ideas to corporations. This event will encourage corporations to establish commitments to expand female entrepreneurship and revenue in the communities served.

Is your organization at least 51% female-owned? If so, you can apply starting June 14 for a chance to pitch corporations like WM and more for an opportunity to develop a relationship and potentially become a supplier for one or more of the corporate sponsors of this event.

  • Women-owned businesses selected in the initial phase will be invited to receive dedicated training and input from supply chain and business experts on developing business pitches during a 5-week educational incubator program. This program includes content from WM and other sponsor companies to help navigate the supplier selection and onboarding process. After the incubator program, selected businesses will be invited to present their company capabilities as potential vendors on August 24 & 25. Businesses invited to participate in the incubator phase should plan on committing 3-5 hours per week, where each week focuses on the following topics:
  • Week 1 – Covering the Basics & Content for the Perfect Pitch
  • Week 2 – Understanding Your Value Proposition with a Business Assessment, Insurance 101 and Goal Setting
  • Week 3 – Knowing, Understanding and Working with Your Corporate Clients
  • Week 4 – Branding Your Business
  • Week 5 – Final Pitch Preparation and the Evolving Role of Technology

During the final virtual phase, selected businesses will have the opportunity to meet fellow women-owned businesses, hear from some of the world’s leading organizations, and will pitch their businesses to corporations. We will celebrate Women’s Equality Day on our final day of the event where the corporations will share the name of any women-owned businesses with whom they’ve elected to engage.

Share the Green at a glance:
June 14 – June 30 | Applications open for women-owned businesses to apply for 2021 Share the Green event.
July 8 | Selected women-owned businesses notified of invitation into incubator phase of 2021 Share the Greensm event.

For more info about Share the Green click on the image below.

Sponsorship Package

Event Details


Jun 14, 2021
Jun 30, 2021


Apply Online