Citizens Bank is hosting a Black History Month Challenge essay contest for high school seniors. The bank is offering a $10,000 scholarship for the 1st Prize Winner!
Submission Deadline: Sunday, February 28

execWE: The Power of WE | Coming, Working, and Rising Together
The Women’s Business Center presents a power-packed virtual executive education for women business owners on March 24, 2021. At this leadership event, attendees will learn from the experiences of women business owners who embrace the power of WE. Join us to see how the power of WE: coming, working, and rising together can help your business grow.

Your Heart is Your Business – Don’t Skip a Beat

As a business owner, heart health impacts not only you but your business. Special MWM guest, Donulae’ T. Knuckles, BSN, RN, and a heart health miracle, will share with you the American Heart Association prescription for health called Life’s Simple 7, significant predictors of heart health and risk.
To help you achieve optimum heart-healthy habits, Donulae’ shares her 17 Tips to Love Yourself for Life. Her motto, ‘self-care is not selfish, it’s necessary!’ Don’t skip a beat; practice these important principles for the health of you and your business!
No Cost to Attend | A Virtual Presentation | #MIWomen
Wednesday, February 24 | 12 PM
Register on MIWomen.com
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WBE Exclusive Offerings
WBE Toolkit – ‘I’ve been certified, but can I do more!?’
April 13 (9 AM) | Register to Attend
WBE Onboarding – ‘I’m newly certified, but now what!?’
March 12 (11 AM) | Register Here
April 9 (11 AM) | Register Here