WEupdates – COVID-19 Recovery Program Available to WBEs

June 27, 2020

SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans and Advance Program Reopened to All Eligible Small Businesses and Non-Profits Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic

WASHINGTON – To further meet the needs of U.S. small businesses and non-profits, the U.S. Small Business Administration reopened the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and EIDL Advance program portal to all eligible applicants experiencing economic impacts due to COVID-19 today.

COVID-19 Resources

Great Lakes Women’s Business Council

  • Provides counseling and referral to Michigan and Indiana small businesses on:
    • SBA Payroll Protection Program
    • $10,000 Disaster Advance Grants, and Disaster Loans (helping 100 women, and minority business owners receive at least one of these resources)
  • Provides $150,000 in grants (Twenty $7,500 grants) to member businesses in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties. Funds from Citizens Bank
  • Provides $ 1 million in $25,000 – $50,000  bridge loans to small businesses through CEED Lending to businesses in nine southeastern Michigan counties
  • Offers weekly free webinars on topics related to business recovery and COVID-19 resources (miwomen.com), and partnered with several groups, including Michigan Retailers Association to provide training on reopening and dealing with physically aggressive customers in the current environment
  • Posts recorded webinars for 24/7 access | miwomen.com
  • Shares COVID-19 Resources and Opportunites at greatlakeswbc.org and miwomen.com including grants, resources available, women business owners that provide COVID-19 supplies, services, training, and counseling
  • Conducts virtual matchmaker opportunities for 40 certified women-owned businesses with Corporate Awards Celebration sponsors
  • Received grant funding through CARES ACT to hire two staff that will focus on business counseling and MentorWE virtual group mentoring teams (Benita Tyler and Lori Wesby both have MBAs and extensive experience in business development and finance and joined our team in the last week.

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